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Privacy Policy


The online store of the “HarmanCoal” brand pays great attention to protecting the personal data of our customers. Users of the “HarmanCoal” online store can browse the website without providing any personal data. However, to provide services related to the purchase of goods presented in the online store, we need your contact details so that we can contact you, confirm the order, create a waybill, and send you the ready goods. We do not disclose your personal data to third parties and protect their confidentiality.


1. General Provisions


1.1. This privacy policy establishes the procedure for receiving, storing, processing, using, and disclosing the user’s personal data. We receive the user’s personal data from the user when placing an order through the store’s cart and when registering by the user themselves (creating an account). The user’s personal data is filled in by the user (when placing an order through the store’s cart or during registration). Mandatory information is provided by the user at their discretion.

1.2. To place an order through the cart of the “HarmanCoal” online store, the user must:


    •    Carefully read this privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the policy);

    •    In the order form, the user fills in the necessary personal data (name, email address, contact phone number, delivery address);

    •    Express their full agreement with this policy by clicking the “Place Order” button.

When placing an order through the store’s cart for the first time, the system will automatically register you as a new user, and a notification with a link to change the password for accessing your personal account will be sent to the specified email address. You will then be able to change or delete your personal data and track the status of your order.

1.3. To register in the online store, the user must carefully read this privacy policy and express full agreement with its terms by clicking the “Register” button.

1.4. The user has no right to use the “HarmanCoal” online store, namely to place orders and register if they do not agree with the terms of this privacy policy.

1.5. By placing an order for goods or registering in the “HarmanCoal” online store and entering personal data or providing this data by phone specified on the website, the user gives their unequivocal consent to the terms of this privacy policy. The user grants the administration of the online store the right to receive, store, process, and disclose their personal data under the terms of this privacy policy.

1.6. The user acknowledges that if they negligently handle the safe storage of their password and login, which provides access to their personal data, third parties may gain unauthorized access to the account, personal, and other user data. The “HarmanCoal” online store is not responsible for damages caused by such access. We recommend that users use complex passwords consisting of numbers and letters of different cases, and various symbols. You can change the password to access your data by using the “Personal Account” function and going to the “My Data” section.


2. What Personal Data We Collect


2.1. We collect personal data, namely: name, contact phone number, email address, delivery address. We may also clarify and receive this information from you by phone or messenger.

2.2. Other information is provided by the user at their discretion.

2.3. The “HarmanCoal” online store does not collect users’ IP addresses.


3. Purpose of Collecting and Processing Users’ Personal Data


3.1. The “HarmanCoal” online store collects and stores only those personal data necessary for providing services related to the sale and delivery of the goods you ordered.

3.2. The “HarmanCoal” online store collects data for communication with the user, including sending service notifications, informing the user about product availability, order confirmation, delivery of ordered goods, contacting the courier service with the user, and processing user requests and applications.


4. Conditions for Accessing the Database


4.1. We do not disclose users’ personal data to third parties, except as provided by Ukrainian law.

4.2. Disclosure of users’ personal data when ordering goods in the “HarmanCoal” online store is only to the extent necessary to identify the user, their order, and only to store employees who have the right to process users’ personal data.


5. User’s Personal Information Changes


5.1. The user can at any time change (update, supplement, delete) the personal information they provided or part of it by using the “Personal Account” function and going to the “My Data” section.


6. Protection of Collected Information


6.1. We take all necessary and sufficient organizational, technical measures, and precautions to protect the confidentiality of users’ data. Only those employees of the “HarmanCoal” online store who need to perform job functions that require access to users’ personal data have access to user information. All employees with access to user information have signed a non-disclosure agreement.


7. Changes to the Privacy Policy


7.1. We have the right to change the terms of the privacy policy. In this case, we will replace the text of the document on the “Privacy Policy” page. Please periodically review these terms to stay informed about how the “HarmanCoal” online store protects users’ personal data.

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